I have created a new project but other users under my account cannot access it on their devices.
Only the user that creates the project will be able to see the project by default. For other users to access the project, they must be linked as users. Select the “User” button, find the individual logins, and check the linked box beside the project name(s) that they should have access to.
My client has shared a project with my account but I am unable to see it listed in my project window. How do I get access to it?
When a project is shared with your account, your account users are not automatically given access to it. An access manager within your account will need to select the “User” button, find the individual logins (yours included), and check the linked box beside the project name(s) that they should have access to.
Why do my deleted cards keep coming back when I sync?
Cards cannot be deleted if they have been synced to the server. If you have cards that you no longer wish to see you can use the archive cards option that can be found under the Project…Card Management…Archive Cards. Or you can move the card to another project.
How do I delete an obsolete project?
Rename the project to include the word Delete. Contact JRP Solutions to let them know that you have a project that you would like to have removed and we will be happy to permanently delete the project and all the data within the project. Remember this cannot be undone.
Is it possible to update my own template?
No, but template changes can be requested through JRP Solutions.
What do the orange exclamation marks beside the project name mean?
This indicates that there is a newer version of the template available. Please refer to the cheat sheet named “Project Upgrade to New Template” for further instructions.
How do I add another user?
You must have User Manager or Full Access Manager permissions to add new users. Select the “Users” button in SNAP!, type in the email address of the new user at the bottom of the list of users for your account, then use the “Add” button. Click on the blue hyperlink under the Permission column to change their access level. On the right, under the list of projects, link them to the projects they need access to. If they are a Basic user, but you want them to have project editing rights on certain projects, check off the box under “Admin” as well.
Why am I getting a “Max Device Limit” message?
This means that the particular email login you are using has already reached its limit of use. SNAP! allows each user to login and/or sync on any 3 devices (desktop or handheld) within a 24-hour period. If you are receiving this message, it means you are trying to access SNAP! on a 4th device using the same email address that is being used on 3 other devices already. Try using another email login.
Changing the card name does not work. Why does the card name not update?
Check the card label settings using “Edit” under the Project menu (if you have Project level permission). A project with card labels assigned will not allow you to manually change a card name.
SNAP! won’t open or SNAP! crashes when launching on my desktop.
Check your antivirus software and ensure it is up to date. Some antivirus programs will prevent SNAP! from launching when they are out of date. Check for updates and try again.
If updating your antivirus program does not work, or there does not appear to be an update available, temporarily disable your antivirus program and try to launch SNAP! If SNAP! launches while your antivirus program is disabled, then your antivirus is causing the connection problem and is preventing SNAP! from either a) launching or b) connecting to the SNAP! server. Contact your antivirus help desk or install a new antivirus program.
Check your internet connectivity. If you are unable to login or sync and you are receiving a Proxy Server error, SNAP! is either being blocked from accessing the server via the internet or your internet connection is down. Troubleshoot connectivity issues.
Ensure that you have the latest version of SNAP! desktop installed on your computer. You can find the latest version here: http://snapdcs.com/updates/.
Why has my project disappeared?
Check in “Manage Archived Projects” (if you have project level permissions) under the Project menu. Unarchive the project. If you are not a project manager or do not have editing rights on a project, contact your project manager and/or the creator/owner of the project.
Why are some of the fields in the template not visible on the handheld?
The fields may be hidden. On the desktop, check under Display… Edit Displayed Sections to see if any items or sections have been unchecked.
Cards are syncing from the device one at a time. Why do I have to sync for each changed card?Check your wifi signal. Stand closer to your modem/router to ensure you have a strong connection.
Why are my attachments not syncing from my iPad to the server?
Check your wifi signal. Stand closer to your modem/router to ensure you have a strong connection.
SNAP! won’t open or SNAP! crashes when launching on my device.
Ensure that the operating system of your iOS or Android device is up to date. This can be done under Settings and Updates on the individual devices. This is important on newly purchased devices. The new devices do not necessarily come with the latest version installed.
Ensure that you have installed the latest version of SNAP! (the app does not automatically update unless you have requested automatic downloads). You will need to go to the app store on your device (Google Play Store or App Store) and search for the update for “SNAP! by JRP Solutions”. Install any updates.
If you have the latest operating system and the latest version of SNAP! installed on your device and you continue to experience problems, try the following:
- Restart SNAP!
- Close all other apps on your device and then launch SNAP!
- If you are unable to connect to the server to sync or login, but it appears that your device has Wi-Fi, restart your device and try again. Sometimes with iPads, the device will drop the Wi-Fi connection, but the device will show that there is Wi-Fi connectivity.
I synced my device and now I can no longer see my project/Card on the Home screen. What do I do?
Project Permissions - The Projects and Cards that you see are FILTERED based on your Permissions. If your access to a particular project has changed (you were removed as a user on the project) since you last synced, syncing your device will cause the project and all of its associated cards to be hidden from you. Contact your accounts User Manager to check whether you currently have user access to the particular project. If you have been removed, have them add you back as a user to the particular project. Once this is done, sync your device again and the project will reappear and your device data will sync to the server.
Archived Projects/Cards – Projects and cards can be archived via the Desktop. If a project or card is archived while you are using the project on your device, the next time you sync the project or card will be hidden from view. Your unsynced data will be preserved. In order to sync your data to the server, contact your Project Manager or User Manager and have them unarchive the project/card. Once it has been is unarchived, sync your device again and your device data will sync to the server.
Moved or Merged Cards – Cards can be moved to a different project. If you can still see the project on your device but the card is no longer visible, check with the project manager to determine whether the card has been moved to another project or merged into another card.
- Moved Cards - If it has been moved, and you have unsynced data on your device, have them move the card back to the original project, sync your device and have them move it over to the new project.
- Merged Cards – there is little that can be done to restore a card that has been deleted during the Merge Card process. We can however extract the data in a format that will allow you to view it and manually enter into SNAP!. Please visit snapdcs.com/help-manuals/ and review the Cheat Sheet “Backup Data from iOS in iTunes” or ”Back up Data from Android”. These will provide you with steps to access your SNAP! data on your device and send to JRP Solutions Ltd so that we can restore you data.
My card is no longer visible on the Home screen after adding data, I haven’t synced yet. What do I do?
Sometimes a card will no longer be visible on the Home screen if SNAP! has crashed during data collection or if an error prevents SNAP! from displaying the card.
If you need to continue using SNAP! on your device, we recommend that you close SNAP! on your device (use the close app steps for your particular device so that SNAP! is no longer active in the background), and then reboot your device.
You can then launch SNAP! and begin capturing data. If you need to continue capturing data in the same card that disappeared, I recommend that you create a new blank card to do this.
If you had been saving regularly on your device prior to the disappearance of the card, we should be able to restore you data. Please visit our manuals page and review the Cheat Sheet “Backup Data from iOS in iTunes” or ”Back up Data from Android”. These will provide you with steps to access your SNAP! data on your device and send to JRP Solutions Ltd so that we can restore you data. Tell us the name of the project and the card name.
I am receiving an error when trying to login or sync SNAP!.
If you receive errors when trying to Login to your device or Sync your device, this generally indicates a connection issue that is preventing your device from speaking to the SNAP! server. Though your device may show that you are connected to wifi it is recommended that you restart your device. Sometimes a device appears to be connected, but the connection is poor or broken. Restart your device and/or check your wireless device.
Examples of errors:
“Couldn’t load DataStatus for Login”
“Couldn’t deserialize from stream, unexpected character encountered while parsing value:<. Path”, line 0, position 0.”
“Name Resolution Error on device”
BC Surveys
My contractor wants me to share my project with them, how do I do that?
Under Project…Edit…Share Project, locate your contractors company name from the drop-down list. If you do not see the company listed here, this means that they are not SNAP! users and they cannot be linked to your project.
Why are WS and FG stats not calculating?
Double-check that the species codes used in the Species Standards and Species Tally sections match exactly. Make sure that the Target SPH has also been entered as this is needed for determining the M Value.
Why are some species duplicated in the summary tables?
Double-check that the species codes used in the Species Standards and Species Tally sections match exactly. Check for a space after the species code as SNAP! will interpret this as a different code.
Why is the Inventory Label not populating?
In the Block section, use the “Inv Label from Spp Tally?” checkbox to determine the Inventory label source. For Multi Story surveys, there is an additional checkbox for “from BA?”. These checkboxes allow SNAP! to calculate the label from either: total trees (and “In Trees”) recorded by species, or from the species % and total trees entered at the plot level.
Why is the Inventory Label showing a different number for total trees?
For ocular estimates, “Total Trees” and “Total Conifers” must be captured at the plot level.
Why is my site index missing for my Inventory Label and/or my Silviculture Label?
In the Stratum Species Standards section, enter a site index for the leading species to populate in the inventory label, and enter for all silviculture species recorded to populate in the silviculture label.
Where do the Inventory and Silviculture Labels show?
The labels are not visible in the card, however, you will see them in the Single Story and Multi Story Reports, as well as a few others.
Why are none of my stems per hectare are calculating?
Ensure that the Plot Multiplier has been set within the Silviculture Standards section.
Why is “Total Conifers” not populating in the report?
Ensure that the species are checked off as coniferous in the Species Standards section.
In the pest section of the report, why is “% Conifers Affected” showing as infinite?
Ensure that the species are checked off as coniferous in the Species Standards section.
Why are “Total Trees” different than “Total Conifers”, even though all the species in the tallies are conifers?
Ensure that all species captured in the Species Tally sections are present in the Species Standards section, including deciduous and unacceptable, and that all coniferous species are checked off as “Coniferous”.
Why is “Crown Closure” not populating on the report?
Ensure that “CC%” is captured in at least one plot in each stratum.
There are some missing plots. If they were recorded in the wrong card, how do I find them?
Use the Analysis tool to export the cards for that project into an Excel file. Include the stratum and plot names and any other identifiable data. Find the plots and use the steps in the “Moving Survey Plots” cheat sheet on the Help Manuals page.
How do we customize the reports?
SNAP! reports are not customizable. You can add a logo to the report. Refer to the SNAP! Manual for “Change Logo” under the Reports section.
Why am I getting an “Error Opening File” and “Error Verifying File” error message when trying to import from an Excel spreadsheet?
Ensure the Excel file is closed.
Why am I getting an “Object reference not set to an instance of an object” error message when trying to import from an Excel spreadsheet?
Ensure that the spreadsheet contains Block, CP, and Timbermark information for each block listed. This data is required when creating cards via the import process.
Why am I getting “An item with the same key has already been added” error message when trying to import from an Excel spreadsheet?
This indicates that you have two columns with the same header name. If you are adding columns of data to the Excel spreadsheet, ensure that each column has a unique name and that they are added to the end of the original data. Do not insert columns between the existing columns.
I imported data from an Excel spreadsheet, but after checking the card data created, realized there were some mistakes in the data that I would like to correct and re-import. Will this correct the existing cards?
Re-importing does not correct existing cards. If you have not synced your new cards to the server, delete them and re-import. If you have already synced, archive the existing cards and re-import.
Why are some of the blocks’ survey strata importing as individual cards rather than strata under the same card?
Check that the data for your blocks are sorted together within your Excel spreadsheet. Data should be sorted by Timbermark or Licence, then CP, then Block, then Stratum (or SU).
How do I combine the plot data from multiple devices to see if the stratum needs additional plots before leaving the field?
The WS Stats Compiler and the FG Stats Compiler sections on the devices allow you to input 4 summary #s from each device that will be used to calculate stats. These stats will indicate whether the stratum is NSR, SR or requires more plots.
Some of my plots are missing on my device and they were not collected in the wrong card/stratum. How do I get them back?
You may notice plots are missing during the day as you are collecting information or after you sync. If you have been saving regularly your data should be secure in the SNAP! backup files and we should be able to restore them to the server. Please visit our manuals page and review the Cheat Sheet “Backup Data from iOS or Android Device”. These will provide you with steps to access your SNAP! data on your device and send to JRP Solutions Ltd so that we can restore you data. Ensure that you send us the name of the project, the card(s) that is missing the plot data and the name/number of the plots that are missing.
SNAP! Resources DataLink
I am unable to add to 2 stratums to one activity in Cengea when one stratum is single story and the other one is multi-story. It does not allow me to select the stratum in the DataLink to send the 2nd stratum.
Reset the Cengea activity status to “Planned”. You cannot update an activity in Cengea that has been marked to “Done”.
I am trying to import from Cengea into a SNAP! project. Why don’t I see my project listed in the dropdown list?
Use the “Refresh All Data” button to try and get the project from the SNAP! server. Also, ensure that the project is linked to your login.
I imported my cards from Cengea, so why are my species not checked off as coniferous within the species standards section?
Ensure that you select which species are coniferous upon import. There is a button in the DataLink that shows “No Coniferous Species Selected!” if you have not selected any species. Use this button to specify the coniferous species before importing. If you wish to re-import to fix this, delete your existing cards (if not synced to the server), or archive them first.
The import log shows messages like “No stratum linked for SU: A. Setting Stratum Name and Area from SU.” What does this mean?
If the planned survey strata in Cengea are linked to SUs, the strata in SNAP! will be created from the planned survey strata. However, if the survey strata are not linked to SUs within Cengea, SNAP! will use the SUs to create strata. This ensures that stocking standards and species standards can be created.
I imported data from Cengea. Why don’t I see the new cards on my desktop or device?
You need to sync your desktop and/or device to get the new cards from the server.
I am trying to send completed surveys back to Cengea, but I see the message “Activity Not Found”. What does this mean?
The card is either missing the Ext. Activity ID number within the External Blk Data section, or the number does not correspond to a survey activity in Cengea. As this number is division-specific, ensure that the correct division is selected from the filters.
Why does my card not show in the list of cards to send back from SNAP!?
Ensure that the card is marked as “Done”, sync to the server, then use the “Refresh All Data” button.
Why are some survey strata marked with a red “X” and indicating they will be skipped in my card list to send back from SNAP!?
These strata do not have their Survey Status set to “Done” within the stratum section.
The activity for a card shows as “Done” and is greyed out. Why can I not send this data back to Cengea?
Activities marked as “Done” in Cengea are never updated. If you wish to update the activity, change the status in Cengea to “Planned” first. Activities are set to “Done” when they are updated from the DataLink. If you have a survey activity that includes both single and multi-story strata, you will likely have to change the status to “Planned” in between exports.
The export log to Cengea shows an “ORA-02291: integrity constraint” error and the card export was cancelled. How do I fix this?
The data within the SNAP! card does not follow the data rules set up in Cengea. The maintenance tables in Cengea specify the codes that Cengea is expecting and it is likely that there are codes within the SNAP! card(s) that do not match. The error will specify a Cengea table name which will help you narrow down what data is causing the problem. This could be a species code, pest code, stocking status or stocking type code, etc. Once you have found and fixed the problem, sync SNAP!, refresh data in the DataLink and try exporting again.
The export log to Cengea shows an “ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column” error and the card export was cancelled. How do I fix this?
You have too many characters in the stratum “Final Comments” and “Final Recommendations” fields combined. Cengea allows a maximum of 2000 characters. Reduce the number of characters within these fields, sync, and refresh the data before trying again.